A Journey of Self Discovery and Transformation
- 7 Webinars
- 7 Transformational Meditations
- Workbook
- Journal
- Affirmations
- 6 Aromatherapy Magic Misters
- 7 Energy Bracelets with EMF Blocker
Do you ever think these thoughts?
I’m not good enough.
I’m overwhelmed.
How come I can never get ahead?
Nobody ever listens to me.
Life isn’t fair.
I just want to be loved.
I wish I didn’t work so hard and get so little.
I wish I had a magic wand to take care of everything!
In this course you will learn:
- A realistic understanding of chakras
- How they have multiple uses in your body
- How you can use them to your advantage for healing and overall wellness
Most importantly you will learn what happens to your personal health and wellness when your chakras aren’t activated and learn the tools to create positive, healthier, and abundant changes in your life, FOREVER!
Learn how to:
- Raise Your Frequency
- Heal Your Body
- Gain Peace and Clarity
- Receive Love and Abundance
Shift your subconscious mind and release:
- Limited Beliefs
- Negative Thoughts
- Self Sabotage
- The “Victim” State of Mind
What is the Chakra Magic Series?
It is a self guided 9 month program of transformation and self-discovery, and includes 7 webinars, 7 chakra meditations, a workbook and journal and 2 bonus meditations. Every 30 days you will receive all the tools necessary to physically and energetically transform your body and your world to greater health, happiness and abundance. The program is simple yet at the same time EXTREMELY powerful to the body, mind and spirit.
Here’s the best thing ever about the Chakra Magic Series…
it gives you BIG results with little time to invest!
With less than 30 minutes a day, you will:
- Feel happier and more fulfilled
- Create stronger relationships
- Become more self-confident
- Have a greater sense of safety and security in your life
- Gain more abundance
- Create greater career potential and success
- Become a healthier, happier YOU!
Fact: The chakra system originated over 2,000 years ago, and was created from highly spiritual people who saw and felt energy vortexes spinning like halos in their physical and energetic bodies. They discovered the chakras are power sources that plug and connect our physical bodies to what our mind is thinking. In order to keep the chakras spinning and shining brightly they needed to be activated by positive, high vibrational thoughts and emotions. If not activated, the chakras would not spin the energy or vortexes and therefore would result in slowing down or stopping, then realizing that low frequency thoughts such as sadness, anger and depression were part of the cause, and the effect would be sickness and diseases in the body.
In the Chakra Magic Series meditations…
You will experience how to:
- Clear blockages and obstacles in your life
- Release aches, pains, and dis-eases
- Open your mind, hear, and soul
- Relieve everyday stress, fears, and financial burdens
- Learn how to become happier and healthier
- Learn how and why it’s important to activate your chakras
How much time will the chakra meditations take?
All meditations are less than 20 minutes; that’s about the same time it takes to drink a cup of coffee! Being a busy mom of 2, wife and entrepreneur, there is not a lot of time left for ME. All of the programs I create are designed to be fast and simple and with MASSIVE life changing results as long as you promise to incorporate them into your life on a daily basis. And, the meditations in the Chakra Magic Series are designed the same way – short , quick and transformational. Get it into your mindset that it’s easy. With only 20 minutes, you can easily work this into your early morning routine even in your pack filled, busy, fast paced life. What good is a transformational program if it’s going to take hours a day? That’s stressful just thinking about it!